Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Inside look at Holland Flower Company - Brede Fleur

Today, we're giving you a look at a lily company in Holland called Brede Fleur ( What's interesting is that the flowers are planted very closely together. In fact, it's tough to walk in between the planted flowers because there is very little room. At Skyline Flower Growers, we leave plenty of room so our workers can pick the flowers.

In addition, a belt is used to transport the lilies once they are picked. You'll see pictures of the machine in this album. This cuts down on the number of workers needed at Brede Fleur but of course, the initial cost of the machine is very expensive. There are so many things businesses have to weigh to keep a company operating.

We hope you're enjoying learning about Holland, Dutch Lily Days and the connection Skyline Flower Growers has with the best in the industry to give you the highest quality flowers. FOR ALL THE PICS: